Busy Week...


Okay guys, I hope you have been keeping up with your outline notes and flashcards because this week will be a busy one.  The Spanking Debate will be on Monday, 2/6.  You should research the affects of spanking and be prepared to show evidence of your claims.  Wednesday 2/8, is the due date for the Dibs Assignment.  Friday 2/10, is the Writing Assessment on chapters 3 & 4.  The Parent Interview Assignment will be given to you in class on Monday (Sorry...left my usb at school).  Study diligently and remember "Procrastination is the enemy of success".
I apologize for my absence (duty calls or Dekalb County calls... same thing).  I had scheduled a pop quiz for you guys on the beginning of chapter 3 (nature-nurture).  However, I forgot that I also scheduled a college presentation for you tomorrow.  Soooo.... What would you guys rather do, a pop quiz and your twin studies presentation or play games and win prizes in one of the coolest presentations I've seen in years?  I knew it!  Pop quiz it is!  See ya tomorrow....

JK... Be prepared for the quiz (10 questions, m/c on Objectives 1-14) and your twin studies presentation on Thursday.
“Dibs in Search of Self” by Virginia Axline;  Priced at $6.99 @amazon.com.  You may also find it at major book stores.  Get it early.  Excuses such as “I could not find the book or I did not receive it in the mail yet” will not suffice.

As you read, you should take notes on significant or striking points in the reading on one side of your journal. Take down anything that interests you and seems worthy of comment: a quote, an idea, a fact, an illustration....whatever provokes your thinking.

2. On the facing page of your journal, write down your response to what you are reading. Remember: be selective, choosing and commenting on passages which spark your interest and curiosity. (You should have perhaps 10-15 thoughtful, well-developed responses in your  journal). Your responses can include critiques, questions, and disagreements, ideas you like (and why), analogies to other readings or ideas, connections to your personal experiences, etc.

3. Leave plenty of room, either in a suitable wide margin or below your entries, for responses from other readers of your journal (i.e. your teacher).

Unfortunately, I will be moving the brain quiz to Thursday because I'm not going to be in class tomorrow :(.  I have a meeting at the county office so you guys need to be on your best behavior (like always).  Your project's are STILL DUE tomorrow.  Place them in the front of the classroom.  The substitute will have further instructions.

Brain Project


Here's the file containing the directions for your Celebrity Brain Model.  Work diligently on this assignment, for the due date is fast approaching. (Wednesday 1/25/12)
File Size: 108 kb
File Type: ppt
Download File

Neuron Quiz 1/19


You will need to know the parts of a neuron discussed in class today for the quiz tomorrow.  Also, don't forget to bring your candy bag.
Unit 2 will begin next week on the 17th (Tuesday).  It covers the biological basis of behavior, so it will feel a lot like science class.  You will need the following materials for class projects and activities:

* A Foam Board (Celebrity Brain Project) Friday 1/20
* Variety Pack of Model Clay (Celebrity Brain Project) Friday 1/20
* Zip Lock Bag of Assorted Candies - Choose one from each column; you will only need enough for yourself, so trial sizes would be more feasible. (Neuron Activity) Thursday 1/19
Candy List
Jolly Ranchers

Gummy Worms
Pixie Stiks

Lifesavers (gummy optional)
Sour Rips
Bubble Gum

Okay! I didn't fall asleep this time. You will have a quiz tomorrow on research strategies and related terms.  Things to know:
illusory correlation
hindsight bias
false consensus effect
random sample vs random assignment
double-blind procedure
placebo effect
naturalistic observation and case studies
Additionally, you will need to know how to graph correlations (+, - , etc.).  Good Luck!
Tomorrow you will have your first quiz on Current Perspectives and Famous Psychologists.  You will need to review your notes on the perspectives and famous names associated with each.  The quiz will be 12 questions.
Helpful Hints:
The Father of Psychology?
Who wrote the first book on psychology in America?
First Lab?
Difference between neuroscience perspective and behavior genetics?

Link for Zodiac Signs:

By now you should have all received a copy of AP Expectations and your first assignment due on January 4, 2012.  Forty Studies That Changed Psychology should be purchased as soon as possible to allow time for delivery, reading, and journal entries.  You do not have to select the studies I suggested.  You may choose any 10 of the 40 studies to complete your journal entries.  Answer the questions for each study in the format attached.  If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to blog me or email me at [email protected].

Below is a list of other outside readings we will be using throughout the semester:
Dibs: In Search of Self
The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Hat
5 Steps to a 5 - AP Psychology

Please be creative in obtaining these books. It is NOT necessary to pay full price. Used books are sufficient for the type of assignments we will be completing.  Some resources are listed below:

Book Nook II (used book store), located at the intersection of Lawrenceville Hwy and Indian Trail, 4664 Lawrenceville Hwy, Lilburn, GA 30047  (770) 564-9462
www.Amazon.com -- new and used books can be purchased online

Dekalb County Public Library; also, the school library

Students who took my course last year

File Size: 304 kb
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